(a)   Applicability. These requirements apply in the C-2 District. Development in the C-1 District must conform to the standards in this section, or the neighborhood and suburban context commercial and retail standards.
   (b)   Intent. The Village Center design theme encompasses several styles of commercial retail architecture common throughout the East and Midwest, on downtown Main Streets and town centers, which lend themselves to creating a unique, inviting, pedestrian-friendly commercial environment.
   The intent of this chapter is to foster architectural themes appropriate for preserving the traditional Village Center character.
   (c)   Form and Mass. The typical storefront includes a centrally placed, recessed door flanked by display windows. Windows are raised off the ground by wood, stone or metal bulkheads. The signboard above the storefront is to be a prominent part of the building, and canvas awnings or shed roofs may be used to shade the storefront and shelter outdoor displays from the elements. Two-story buildings will contain retail uses on the first floor, and offices or residences on the second floor; one-story buildings are to be devoted exclusively to retail uses.
   (d)   Exterior Walls and Facades.
      (1)   Pattern. Walls must include a repeating pattern that includes at least three of these elements:
         A.   Color change;
         B.   Texture change;
         C.   Material module change; and
          D.   Expression of architectural or structural bays through a change in plane at 0.5 of a foot or more wide, such as an offset, reveal or projecting rib D.
   One or more of elements in subsection (d)(1)A., B. or C. hereof must repeat horizontally. All elements must repeat at intervals of <30 feet.
      (2)   Base. Walls must have a recognizable base with:
         A.   Integrally textured materials such as stone or other masonry;
         B.   Integrally colored and patterned materials such as smooth-finished stone;
         C.   Lighter or darker colored materials, mullions or panels; or
         D.   Planters.
         E.   And have a recognizable top with: cornice treatments, other than just colored "stripes" or "bands," with integrally textured materials such as stone or other masonry or differently colored materials; or stepped parapets.
      (3)   Four-sided design. All walls must include materials and design characteristics consistent with those on the front facade. Inferior or lesser quality materials for side or rear walls are prohibited.
      (4)   Street facing walls. Walls facing streets, parking lots, and/or connecting pedestrian walkways must not have a blank, uninterrupted length more than 20 feet without including two or more of these features: change in plane, change in texture or masonry pattern, windows, or other equivalent elements that subdivide the wall into human scale proportions.
      (5)   Other exterior walls. Side or rear walls may include false windows and door openings defined by frames, sills and lintels, or similarly proportioned modulations of the wall, only when actual doors and windows are not feasible.
      (6)   Street facing facades. Facades and walls facing streets, parking lots (excluding parking lots at rear loading docks), and/or connecting pedestrian walkways must be subdivided and proportioned using features such as windows, display areas, entrances, arcades, arbors, and awnings along >60% of the facade.
      (7)   Awnings. Awnings may be placed over individual windows, doors and patios. Awnings must not stretch across the entire storefront or facade.
      (8)   Transparency.
         A.   The first floor front and walkway facing facades and walls must have windows and doors between 3 feet and 8 feet above the walkway grade for >80% of the facade.
         B.   The second floor front and walkway facing facades and walls must have windows for >50% of the facade length.
         C.   Side walls on all floors, and rear walls above the ground floor, must have windows and doors between 3 feet and 8 feet above the surface grade for >25% of the facade or wall length.
         D.   Window and door frames <0.5 of a foot wide are included in the calculation of transparent frontage length.
      (9)   Garage doors.
         A.   Garage bay doors facing the public right-of-way must be segmented.
         B.   Garage doors must be recessed >2 feet behind the building facade.
         C.   Roll-up garage doors are prohibited.
   (e)   Roofs.
      (1)   Appearance. Roofs must appear to be flat.
      (2)   Mechanical equipment screening. Rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment must be completely screened (visually and acoustically) from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties.
   (f)   Materials and Colors.
      (1)   Building materials.
         A.   Acceptable building materials include brick, integrally colored concrete masonry units that resemble standard sized face brick, cast stone, marble, and cast iron.
         B.   Concrete block and large concrete masonry units, painted masonry, tilt-up concrete panels, metal and vinyl siding, and prefabricated metal panels are prohibited.
          C.   Wood, and cellulose and masonry-based siding materials, may be used for trim and other architectural details, but not as the predominant surface material.
            (Ord. 2008-133. Passed 12-16-08.)
      (2)   Building colors.
         A.   Material colors must be low-reflecting, subtle and neutral or earth-toned. Trim must be painted low-reflecting, subtle and neutral or earth-toned color. Colors approved by the Village are filed with the Zoning Inspector. Any additional color will need to be approved by the architectural review board or Planning Commission.
         B.   High-intensity colors, metallic colors, (except for trim) or fluorescent colors are prohibited.
         C.   Awning colors must be complementary to the dominant color scheme of the host structure.
         D.   The requirements in this subsection (f)(2) apply to the painting of any structure in this district or to the new application of color to any structure in this district on or after the adoption of this subsection. (Ord. 2014-060. Passed 7-1-14.)