(a) If the Village of Fairport Harbor or its duly authorized representative determines that a violation of the rules adopted under this code exist, the Village of Fairport Harbor or representative may issue an immediate stop work order if the violator failed to obtain any federal, state, or local permit necessary for sediment and erosion control, earth movement, clearing, or cut and fill activity.
(b) All development areas may be subject to external inspections by Fairport Harbor engineer and/or the Lake SWCD to ensure compliance with the approved SWP3 or Abbreviated SWP3.
(c) After each external inspection, Fairport Harbor engineer and/or the Lake SWCD shall prepare and distribute a status report to the applicant.
(d) If an external inspection determines that operations are being conducted in violation of the approved SWP3 or Abbreviated SWP3 Fairport Harbor engineer and/or the Lake SWCD may take action as detailed in Section 1127.14 of this regulation.
(e) Failure to maintain and repair erosion and sediment controls per the approved SWP3 plan may result in the following escalation:
(1) First Violation: The Fairport Harbor engineer will issue a Notice of Deficiency to the owner or operator. All controls are to be repaired or maintained per the SWP3 plan within three (3) days of the notification. If controls have not been corrected after this time, the Fairport Harbor engineer may issue a Stop Work Order for all activities until corrections have been made.
(2) Second Violation: The Fairport Harbor engineer may issue a formal Notice of Violation which includes a $250 administrative fee against the SWP3 Bond or site plan deposit. All controls are to be repaired or maintained per the approved SWP3 plan within three (3) days of the Notice of Violation. If controls have not been corrected after this time, the Fairport Harbor engineer may issue a Stop Work Order for all activities until corrections have been made.
(3) Third and subsequent violations: The Fairport Harbor engineer may issue a Stop Work Order for all construction activities and charge a $250 administrative fee against the SWP3 bond or site plan deposit. The Stop Work Order will be lifted once all controls are in compliance with the approved SWP3 plan.
(Ord. 2017-033. Passed 3-7-17.)