In addition to all other requirements of the Building and Housing Code, the Zoning Code and ordinances or statutes of the Village, the County and the State, and before a building permit is issued by the County Building Inspection Department for a building, a person who owns, leases or is in possession or control of any property who desires to construct a new building or structure, or to remodel or reconstruct an existing building or structure wherein the existing grade of the lot or building is proposed to be changed, or a person seeking to change the grade of any property by more than three inches, shall, in addition to obtaining all other permits required by the Village, County and State, submit to the Village Zoning Inspector an application for a permit, the required deposit and three copies of the plot plan of the property, prepared by a registered civil engineer or a registered surveyor, showing where such proposed construction or reconstruction is or shall be situated and showing, as applicable, the following:
   (a)    The existing elevation of the center of the street;
   (b)    The existing elevation of the top of the nearest street curb, if any;
   (c)    The existing elevation of the top of the nearest portion of the sidewalk, if any;
   (d)    The existing elevation at each corner of the lot;
   (e)    The first or main floor elevation and the location of adjacent buildings within 105 feet;
   (f)    The elevations of the existing grade and proposed finished grade of the lot on a suitable contour interval;
   (g)    The proposed elevation of the first or main floor of the building or garage and the lawn grade at the building corners;
   (h)    The foundation and/or slab elevation;
   (i)    The bearings and lot dimensions, the lot and block number or lot and tract number, all easements of record, an arrow showing the north direction and the street name;
   (j)    A reference bench mark established on some permanent object in the near vicinity which shall remain undisturbed during construction and available for elevation checks. The bench mark may be assumed to be 100 feet where a Village bench mark is not available.
   (k)    The location, elevation and size of all existing and proposed on-site sanitary systems, sanitary sewers, water lines and storm sewers in or adjacent to the lot;
   (l)    Building dimensions, setback and side yard dimensions;
   (m)    Size and invert elevations of driveway culverts;
   (n)    The existing elevations of the road ditch, if any, in front of the property at twenty-five foot intervals;
   (o)    A certification by the registered surveyor that the property has been surveyed and iron pins set at all lot corners; and
   (p)    Any other information that may be required by the Village Engineer to ensure that the proposed building elevations and site gradings are compatible with adjacent property and that positive drainage is achieved.
      (Ord. 1998-119. Passed 10-20-98.)