(a) Any new street (dedicated or non-dedicated) developed by a private developer shall have a street tree plan approved by the Tree Commission. As an alternative, the developer may permit the Tree Commission to develop the street tree plan with the
cost of all trees to be paid by the developer.
Prior to the commencement of any construction, remodeling, demolition, assembly, erection and /or installation project within the Village, the general contractor(s), subcontactor(s) and/or other pertinent personnel having charge of said project are required to meet with a Tree Commission representative and the Village Engineer to discuss the following:
(1) Trees to be removed and trees that will be saved.
(2) Methods to be used to protect trees to be saved during the construction process (i.e. fencing, tree protection zone, etc.)
(3) Pruning of trees to be saved.
(4) Procedures for removal of trees that are not going to be saved, but are in close proximity to trees that are going to be saved.
(5) Haul routes, staging areas, contacts, watering, etc.
(b) Any existing street that is replaced, or repaired to such an extent that existing trees are removed, must have a street tree plan approved by the Tree Commission. The cost
of the replacement trees will be part of the construction plan and/or the construction contract.
(c) A bond shall be posted by the developer, the amount to be determined by the Tree Commission with Council's approval for future installation of the street tree plan. This bond would be added to the list of development requirements.
(Ord. 2005-066. Passed 6-14-05.)