(a) Tree Commission Established. There is hereby created and established a Tree Commission for the Village. Such Commission shall be composed of the following five citizens and residents of the Village: three of the members shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval of Council, the fourth member shall be a member of Council, and the fifth member shall be the Mayor or a designee who is appointed solely by the Mayor.
(b) Term of Office. The term of the three persons of the Tree Commission to be appointed by the Mayor shall be for three years, except the term of two of the members appointed to the first Commission shall be one year and two years respectively. In the event that a vacancy occurs during the term of any member, his successor shall be appointed for the unexpired portion of the term. The member from Council and the Mayor shall serve on the Commission during their continuance in their respective elective offices. If the Mayor appoints a designee to fill the position that would otherwise be held by the Mayor, then the term of the Mayor’s designee shall be from the date of the designee’s appointment through the end of the elected term of the Mayor. (Ord. 2008-037. Passed 4-1-08.)
(c) Organization. The Tree Commission shall choose its own officers, make its own rules and regulations, and keep a journal of its proceedings.
The Commission shall, as soon as practical after the time of the annual appointment of a member to the Commission, elect a chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary thereof. No member shall be eligible to serve as Chairman for more than two (2) years, but such member shall again be eligible to serve as Chairman after one full year has elapsed since that member last held such office.
The Commission shall hold regular meetings throughout the year, and may hold such additional meetings as it deems necessary.
A majority of the members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.
All plans, findings, advice, reports and recommendations made by the Commission shall be in writing, and designate by name those members of the Commission approving or concurring therein, and members who do not so approve or concur therein shall have the right, as a part of such report, to state their reasons for refusing to approve or concur.
(d) Compensation. The Tree Commission shall serve without compensation.
(e) Powers and Duties. The Tree Commission shall:
(1) Have the authority to establish fair and appropriate rules and regulations governing the planting, maintenance and removal of trees in public ways, streets, alleys, parks or other property owned by the Village;
(2) Coordinate the Village's Arbor Day program, grants, and other similar programs; and
(3) Recommend the type and kind of trees to be planted upon Village streets, parks, or public places.
(Ord. 2005-066. Passed 6-14-05.)