(a) All roof drainage shall be collected by downspouts and directed into the storm sewer drainage system or, if a public storm sewer is not available, piped to a natural drainage system away from the building’s foundation in a manner so as not to create a nuisance to adjacent property owners or, roadway ditch in a manner approved by the Zoning Inspector or Village Engineer.
(b) Installation of rain barrels. Rain barrels may be installed on property subject to obtaining a permit and showing compliance with the following:
(1) One or more downspouts may be diverted into an approved rain barrel or other structural container, provided it is equipped with an overflow preventer in a manner approved by the Zoning Inspector or Village Engineer.
(2) Individual rain barrels shall not have a capacity to store more than 60 gallons in volume.
(3) Only one rain barrel per downspout and rain barrels shall be located within one foot of the structure and covered at all times.
(Ord. 2014-037. Passed 5-20-14.)