Ord. No. Date Description
152 12-29-08 Repeals former ordinance passed Jan. 31, 1893, attempting to vacate parts of Second, Third, Fourth and Water Sts.
180 8-16-11 Narrowing Third St. by vacating 2-3/4 feet off north side between Water and East Sts.
207 12-28-11 Water St. between Third and Fourth Sts.
208 1-2-12 Repeals Ord. 207.
209 1-2-12 Repeals former ordinance passed Jan. 31, 1893, attempting to vacate parts of Second, Third, Fourth and Water Sts.
657 12-15-25 South St. from East to Vine Sts.
1985-54 6-3-85 Portions of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Bayou Street.
1985-80 9-3-85 Portions of Old Plank Road.
1985-93 10-21-85 Pincus Court.
1985-94 10-21-85 An alley 18.3 feet wide and 143.94 feet long running south from Fifth St.
1986-92 9-2-86 A portion of the north side of Fourth St.
1987-55 7-6-87 A portion of the south side of Prospect St.
1994-68 7-11-94 Champion Court.
1994-100 11-7-94 A portion of Plum Street.