(A)   Connection requirement. All owners of improved property located within the corporate limits and upon or within a reasonable distance of any waterline owned and operated by the town shall connect their premises with the town water system.
   (B)   Water permit. No person shall be connected with the water system of the town until they shall have made application for permission to be so connected in writing to the Clerk. This application shall not be approved until the plans and specifications for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, maintenance or modification of the house, building or structure have been approved by the Building Inspector and a building permit has been issued. When a building permit is not required, the application shall not be issued until approved by the Director of Public Works or the town Plumbing Inspector.
   (C)   Separate connection and meter required for each unit. Each residential dwelling unit whether of single or multiple occupancy, commercial establishment or unit and industrial activity or unit that receives water from the town system shall have installed a separate water connection and water meter.
   (D)   Inspection. The Director of Public Works or Plumbing Inspector shall not approve the application as specified in division (B) above until he or she has entered upon the property to be served by the requested connection and has made sure by physical inspection that the connection will not contaminate the town’s water system or any part thereof, that the property has an adequate sewerage disposal system which will not create a nuisance or health hazard to any person, and that the property owner or occupant is aware of any improvements in the water or sewer system of the house, building or structure that should be made before connecting the town water system. Upon the exercise of reasonable effort and diligence by the Director of Public Works or Plumbing Inspector in performing those duties required of him or her under this section, neither the Director of Public Works, the Plumbing Inspector nor the town shall have or assume any liability for any inconvenience, damage or other occurrence after connection is made to the town’s water system.
   (E)   Specifications. The town shall extend any individual water service connection pipe from the applicable water main or line to a water meter enclosed in an acceptable meter box or container located within the public right-of-way but near the boundary of the right-of-way. The property owner or his or her authorized and licensed plumber shall construct, extend, maintain, repair or modify the water service connection pipe from the out flow end of the meter across private property and into the dwelling unit, building or structure in accordance with town specifications, requirements, codes and designs therefor. Existing water meters located on private property shall be removed from the private property and reinstalled on the public right-of-way as opportunity permits.
(Ord. passed 3-12-2002)