The following signs shall be prohibited within the town:
   (A)   Off-premise signs, with the exception of historic signs.
   (B)   A sign which is a copy or imitation of an official highway sign and carries the words “STOP” or “DANGER.”
   (C)   Third-party advertising signs.
   (D)   A sign that obstructs corner visibility or visibility at a driveway between a height of 3 and 8 feet within the triangular area formed by the intersecting street right-of-way lines (and/or driveway entrance) and a straight line connecting points on said street lines (and/or driveway entrance) each of which is 25 feet distant from the point of intersection. Vertical elements will be allowed so long as no more than 5% of the area between 3 and 8 feet is obstructed on all rights-of-way (and/or driveway entrances). (See §§ 153.53 and 154.028 for additional requirements of this nature.)
   (E)   A sign posted on any telephone or electric light poles or on any tree along any street.
   (F)   A sign that obstructs ingress and egress to any window, door, fire escape, stairway, ladder, or opening intended to provide light, air, ingress, or egress for any room or building as required by law.
   (G)   A sign that violates any provision of any law of the State of North Carolina relative to outdoor advertising.
   (H)   A sign or window display which contains, employs, or utilizes lights or lighting which rotates, flashes, lights intermittently, moves, or alternates, or gives the appearance of the same.
   (I)   A sign located within a public right-of-way or within 30 feet of the centerline of any public thoroughfare, except as provided herein.
   (J)   Any sign using luminescent, reflective, Day-Glo, iridescent, electro-luminescent, laser, and similar paints and materials on buildings, structures and signs visible from any public right-of-way. This restriction shall not apply to street identification signs, government installed signs, official traffic control signs and signs used for evacuation and emergency purposes.
   (K)   Banners used in lieu of permitted signs for longer than 2 weeks (state law prohibits banners across state rights-of-way).
   (L)   A sign, including a political sign, erected to serve a temporary purpose which is not removed within 60 days.
(Ord. 10-129, passed 6-15-2010)