(A)   The intent of these regulations in regulating signs as specified in this chapter and elsewhere through the code of ordinances is:
      (1)   To encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication in the town through size and location appropriate to each district;
      (2)   To maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment by limiting the number and size of signs;
      (3)   To maintain and enhance the town’s ability to attract sources of economic growth and development;
      (4)   To promote vehicular and pedestrian traffic safety;
      (5)   To minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby property;
      (6)   To regulate the use of sign elements that detract from or are not in keeping with the history of the town, such as luminescent or iridescent paints;
      (7)   To ensure that non-locally-owned businesses are not placed at an unfair advantage and to prevent homogenization of the town’s landscape by regulating distinctive shapes and colors such as roofs when used as branding for franchises or chains;
      (8)   To assist visitors in locating natural, historic and cultural attractions of the town through clear and consistent signage and other way-finding tools.
   (B)   “Sign” in this chapter means any outdoor notice containing words, letters, figures, numerals, emblems, devices, trademarks or trade names or combinations thereof, by which anything is made known such as the designation of a firm, corporation, profession, business, commodity or product, and includes, but is not limited to, business signs, billboards, and outdoor advertising structures. This definition may be refined by the context in which the word is used.
(Ord. 10-129, passed 6-15-2010)