§ 154.175 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT/ADULT BUSINESS. Any establishment that would be considered an adult bookstore, adult motion picture theater, adult mini-motion picture theater or adult live entertainment business as each is defined in G.S. § 14-202.10. These establishments would have a substantial or significant portion of the business containing material that depicts, describes or relates to adult sexual activities or adult nudity.
   ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT. An establishment primarily engaged in the operation of amusement or entertainment services to the general public upon the payment of a fee or admission charge.
   LIGHT MANUFACTURING. Manufacturing where all processing, fabricating, assembly, or disassembly of items take places wholly within an enclosed building, where the work has only very slight potential to produce noise, dust, glare, odors, or vibrations beyond the property lines on which the business is located, with end products targeted toward consumers rather than businesses. Typical items for processing, fabricating, assembly, or disassembly include, but are not limited to, apparel, home accessories, food, drapes, clothing accessories, bedspreads, decorations, artificial plants, jewelry, instruments, computers, and electronic devices. Excluded from this definition would be processing and packaging of alcoholic beverages, chemical manufacturing, stone-work or concrete product manufacturing, fabrication of metal products, manufacturing of agricultural, construction, or mining machinery, motor vehicle manufacturing, lumber milling, ship or boat construction, and permanent concrete/batch plants.
   NIGHTCLUBS and BARS. Include commercial clubs, private clubs, discotheques, cabarets, taverns and places of entertainment. A commercial establishment open to the general public either without charge or upon payment of a cover charge or membership, licensed to sell alcoholic beverages or holding a brown bag permit, offering entertainment involving the use of prerecorded or live amplified sound, provided by paid employees, paid private contractors, unpaid entertainers or customers.
   RESTAURANT/EATING ESTABLISHMENTS. A restaurant/eating establishment is an establishment selling food items ordered from a menu and primarily prepared on the premises for immediate consumption. Types include:
      (1)   CARRYOUT. A fast service restaurant, which does not have sit down eating arrangements and consumption of food on the premises is prohibited (or discouraged).
      (2)   COMBINATION. A restaurant, which provides any combination of sit down, carryout and/or drive-in services.
      (3)   DRIVE-IN. A restaurant where consumption of food on the premises is encouraged (in car, no seating facilities) and where food is provided by “car-hop” or self-service.
      (4)   SIT-DOWN RESTAURANTS. Those restaurants which provide seating arrangements.
(Ord. passed 5-13-2003; Am. Ord. 17-175, passed 8-1-2017)