(A)   After the effective date of this chapter, existing structures, or the uses of land or structures which would be prohibited under the regulations for the district in which it is located (if they existed on the adoption date of this chapter), shall be nonconforming structures or uses.
   (B)   After the effective date of any amendment to this chapter, existing structures, or the uses of land or structures which would be prohibited under the new regulations for the district in which they are located (if they existed on the adoption of the amendment), shall be nonconforming structures or uses.
   (C)   Nonconforming structures or uses (as defined in § 154.002) may be continued provided they conform to the following provisions:
      (1)   Extensions of use. Nonconforming uses of land shall not hereafter be enlarged or extended in any way.
      (2)   Change of use. Any nonconforming use of land may be changed to a conforming use, or with the approval of the Board of Adjustment to any use more in character with the uses permitted in the district.
      (3)   Cessation of use. All nonconforming uses of land or uses involving only minor structures, such as automobile wrecking yards, automobile sales yards, billboards and other outdoor advertising signs, salvage operations, mobile homes or any use similar to those enumerated shall be subject to a 3-year conditional use permit, which shall be reviewed 1 year before the expiration of the conditional use permit by the Town’s Planning Board at a public hearing on the use. At that time the nonconforming use shall be granted an additional 3 year permit or directed to cease by the end of the third year or expiration of the permit. One year before the cessation of any nonconforming use permit, it shall be subject to review by the Planning Board at a duly constituted public hearing.
(Ord. passed 5- -1977; Am. Ord. 10-134, passed 5-18-2010)