§ 153.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of these regulations is to establish procedures and standards for guiding and regulating the subdivision of real estate within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of Fairmont in order to preserve the public health, safety and welfare. The regulations included herein are designed to assure the proper installation of streets and the coordination of streets within subdivisions with existing roads and other public facilities; to secure an orderly planned street system which shall avoid traffic congestion, sharp curves and hazardous intersections; to secure from fire and flood damage; to provide for adequate water and sewerage systems and other utilities; to provide space for recreation and school sites; to avoid the overcrowding of land and extreme concentration of population; to facilitate an orderly system for the design, layout and appropriate use of the land; to insure the proper legal description, identification, monumentation and recordation of subdivided land; and to provide for the re-subdivision of large land parcels.
(Ord. passed 5-31-1977)