For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DEPARTMENT . The Police Department of the town.
   GAME ROOM. Any place of business that operates 1 or more mechanical games, video gaming machines, pay devices, coin-operated machines, video games, pinball machines and other computer, electronic or mechanical devices that are operated and played for amusement, including any machine that involves the use of skill or dexterity to solve problems or tasks or to make varying scores or tallies and that do not emit, issue, display, print out or otherwise record any receipt, paper, coupon, token, other form of record which is capable of being redeemed, exchanged or repurchased for cash, cash equivalent or prizes or reward free replays.
   INTERESTED PARTY. Any person who is an application for a license or who is an employee of any applicant for a license, any person who is a partner in a partnership which is an applicant for a license and any person, partnership or corporation which is an officer, director or principal stockholder of a corporation which is an applicant for a license.
      (1)   A slot machine as defined in G.S. § 14-306(a); and
      (2)   Other forms of electrical, mechanical or computer games such as:
         (a)   A video poker game or any other kind of video playing card game;
         (b)   A video bingo game;
         (c)   A video craps game;
         (d)   A video keno game;
         (e)   A video lotto game;
         (f)   Eight liner;
         (g)   Pot of Gold; or
         (h)   A video game based on or involving the random or chance matching of different pictures, words, numbers or symbols not dependent on the skill or dexterity of the player.
(Ord. passed 11-16-2004)