(A)   Number allowed within block at same time. It is declared unlawful for any person to drive a gasoline or oil truck as described in this section within any block in the town while another gasoline or oil truck is within that block, provided that this provision shall not prevent 2 trucks meeting each other within a block and going in opposite directions provided the trucks allow a reasonable distance between them while so meeting.
   (B)   Parking. It is declared unlawful for any person to park a gasoline or oil truck within the corporate limits of the town; provided that nothing in this section shall prevent a truck from loading or unloading within the corporate limits of the town at a regularly established place of business.
   (C)   Speed limit. It is declared unlawful for the driver of any gasoline or oil truck to operate the same within the corporate limits of the town at a speed in excess of 20 mph.
(1988 Code, § 14-85) Penalty, see § 10.99