(A)   The Board hereby establishes the policy that all nonresidential garbage and refuse collections shall be accomplished by means of a mechanized system utilizing specially designed and constructed containers which are dumped by mechanical power into garbage trucks designed to accommodate containers.
   (B)   Specific exemptions may be granted on the basis of each individual request for exemption. The nonresidential occupant or owner shall bear the entire burden for justifying his or her request. The justification must clearly show that the policy exemption will increase collection efficiency and/or result in financial savings to the Department of Public Works.
   (C)   Town employees shall not pick up garbage or trash on the ground, or wait for the user to put trash into the container or collect from parking lot or other similar containers unless specifically authorized to do so by the Town Manager. Nonresidential users requesting extra service shall pay an extra fee for the service as determined by the Board.
(1988 Code, § 19-36)