(A)   (1)   All connections by consumers with the utility lines constructed and dedicated pursuant to this subchapter and all services through those lines and apparatus shall be in accordance with the laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of and applicable to the town, as now in force or as may be enacted, adopted and amended from time to time.
      (2)   The town shall have complete supervision and control over the lines, taps, connections and all other parts of the utility lines and system so constructed for the purpose of making any and all necessary inspections, and turning the water on and off and for other purposes.
      (3)   The charges, rents and fees charged by the town for connections, inspections and services to consumers through utility lines shall be upon the same basis and schedules as those charged other consumers of like status residing outside of the corporate limits of the town from time to time, and the town shall collect all rents, fees and charges from consumers connected with the utility lines, for its sole use and benefit without compensation to the dedicators.
(1988 Code, § 22-207)
   (B)   The dedicators shall have and assume all risk in the laying, installation and construction of the utility lines and system constructed pursuant to this division, and the dedicators shall agree that the town shall not be responsible or liable for, and that the dedicators will indemnify and save harmless the town against any and all injuries and damages to persons or property by reason of or in any way growing out of the construction, installation and laying of utility lines. The dedicators shall furnish the town with an adequate and satisfactory bond and/or public liability insurance policy, or a certificate or other evidence from the insurance company that insurance is in force, fully protecting the town as provided by this section. The bond and/or insurance policy shall be executed by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state.
(1988 Code, § 22-208)