Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic control signals exhibiting the words "go, ""caution" or "stop," or exhibiting different colored lights successively one at a time, or with arrows, the following colors only shall be used and such terms and lights shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows:
    (a)    Green alone or "go":
       (1)    Vehicular traffic facing the signal, except when prohibited under Section 343.02, may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn. But vehicular traffic, including vehicles turning right or left, shall yield the right of way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time such signal is exhibited.
       (2)    Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk.
   (b)    Yellow alone or "caution" when showing following the green or "go" signal:
       (1)    Vehicular traffic facing the signal is thereby warned that the red or "stop" signal will be exhibited immediately thereafter and such vehicular traffic shall not enter or be crossing the intersection when the red or "stop" signal is exhibited.
       (2)    Pedestrians facing such signal are thereby advised that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway, and any pedestrian then starting to cross shall yield the right of way to all vehicles.
    (c)   Red alone or "stop":
       (1)    Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until green or "go" is shown alone except as provided in subsection (c)(2) and (3) hereof.
       (2)    A vehicle which is stopped in obedience to a red or "stop" signal as close as practicable at the entrance to the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then at the entrance to the intersection, may cautiously make a right turn but such vehicle shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk and to other vehicular traffic proceeding as directed by the signal at such intersection, except that the City Manager may prohibit any such right turn against a red or "stop" signal at any intersection which regulation shall be effective when a sign is erected at such intersection giving notice thereof.
      (3)    A vehicle which is stopped in obedience to a red or "stop" signal as close as practicable at the entrance to the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then at the entrance to the intersection on a one- way street which intersects another one-way street on which traffic moves to the left, may cautiously make a left turn into the one-way street but such vehicle shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk and to other vehicular traffic proceeding as directed by the signal at such intersection, except that the City Manager may prohibit any such left turn against a red or "stop" signal at any intersection, which regulation shall be effective when a sign is erected at such intersection giving notice thereof.
       (4)    No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
   (d)    Red with green arrow:
      (1)    Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by such arrow but shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
      (2)    No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
   (e)   In the event an official traffic control signal is erected and maintained at a place other than an intersection, the provisions of this section shall be applicable except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. Any stop required shall be made at a sign or marking on the pavement indicating where the stop shall be made, but in the absence of any such sign or marking the stop shall be made at the signal.
       (WVaC 17C-3-5)