The management and control of the Authority, its property, operations, business and affairs shall be lodged in a board of ten members who shall be known as members of the Authority and who shall be appointed for terms of three years each by the City and by the Commission.
   On all matters of business coming before the Authority, votes shall be calculated as follows: the representatives of the City or the Commission shall have one vote for each five thousand dollars ($5,000) it has contributed to the Authority in the form of moneys or property. Members shall determine the proper allocation of voting rights for their respective participating governments. At the time of creation, the number of votes of the City and Commission shall be determined at the time of creation, and shall govern until the end of the then current fiscal year even though additional moneys or property are contributed during that fiscal year. Thereafter, the number of votes shall be determined at the end of each fiscal year and such determination shall govern for the ensuing fiscal year, even though additional moneys or property are contributed during that fiscal year.
(Ord. 876. Passed 8-27-91.)