For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   (a)   BUSINESS. All activities engaged in or caused to be engaged in with the object of gain or economic benefit, either direct or indirect.
   (b)   CITY. The City of Fairmont.
   (c)   DIRECTOR. The Finance Director of the City of Fairmont or his or her delegate.
   (d)   DOMICILE. The true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment to which whenever a person is absent he/she has the intention of returning; the established, fixed, permanent, or ordinary dwelling place or residence of a person, as distinguished from his/her temporary or transient although actual place of residence.
   (e)   EMPLOYED. Employed shall mean an employee working for an employer. An employee shall be considered employed in a calendar week so long as such individual has not permanently discontinued employment within the corporate limits of the City of Fairmont.
   (f)   EMPLOYEE. Any person who works for an employer or any person who works for a salary, wage, or other compensation or remuneration on a full-time or part-time basis and who works within the corporate limits of the City of Fairmont.
   (g)   EMPLOYER. Employer shall mean an individual person, including a self-employed individual working as a sole proprietor or member of a firm so as to be subject to self-employment tax, and every entity, including but not limited to a business corporation, a corporation not for profit, a partnership, a charitable organization, a limited liability company, a limited liability partnership, a professional corporation, a professional limited liability company, a professional limited liability partnership, a tax exempt organization, and every governmental entity, including every local, county, state and federal governmental entity, who employs the services of an employee or employees, or for whom an employee or employees work, or who pays the wages or salaries of an employee or employees.
   (h)   NON-RESIDENT EMPLOYEE. Any person who, at the time the service or services described herein are rendered by the City of Fairmont, is domiciled outside the corporate limits of the City of Fairmont but who is an employee of an employer or any other person whose conduct is consistent with that of an employee benefiting from the use of municipal services.
   (i)   RESIDENT: Any person who maintains a residence in the corporate limits of the City of Fairmont regardless of whether he or she is domiciled in the corporate limits of the City of Fairmont and any business that maintains a place of business within the corporate limits of the City of Fairmont and which said person or business has a residential, commercial or industrial customer account with the City of Fairmont.
   (j)   STREET MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT AND POLICE PROTECTION CHARGE. The special charge for the valuable essential municipal service of street maintenance and improvement to partially defray the cost of providing the essential public service of police protection imposed by the provisions of this article.
   (k)   STREET SWEEPING CHARGE. The special charge for the valuable essential municipal service of street sweeping and the proper disposal of waste material resulting from the street sweeping operations of the City of Fairmont to be imposed by the provisions of this article.
   (l)   USER OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES. Any person whose conduct is consistent with that of an individual benefiting from the use of municipal services or is found or declared to be such a user.
      (Ord. 1812. Passed 5-14-19.)