(a)   After review of the application and all supporting documentation by the Building Inspector, City Engineer and the Director of Public Works, the Building Inspector shall approve and issue the grading permit if he/she is of the opinion that:
      (1)   The proposed clearing, grading, stripping or filling is in compliance with all applicable City ordinances and all applicable state and federal laws, rules and/or regulations;
      (2)   The proposed clearing, grading, stripping or filling is in keeping with the general character or value of the neighborhood or area in which it is proposed;
      (3)   The proposed clearing, grading, stripping or filling does not have a substantial negative impact or effect on the general character or value of said area or neighborhood;
      (4)   The applicant’s plan for erosion or sediment control measures is adequate for the protection of the area proposed to be cleared, graded, stripped and/or filled and the general surrounding area; and
      (5)   The proposed clearing, grading, stripping or filling will not in any way negatively impact the City.
   (b)   If the Building Inspector is of the opinion that the proposed clearing, grading, stripping or filling fails to comply with or satisfy any of the enumerated criteria set forth in this section, he/she shall not approve the grading permit and shall state with specificity why such permit was denied.
   (c)   Upon notice of initial denial or disapproval of a permit, an applicant shall have ten working days to revise, supplement and resubmit the application for a grading permit without assessment of any fee therefor.
   (d)   The Building Inspector shall consider the revised application in accordance with the enumerated criteria set forth in this section.
(Ord. 1119. Passed 1-25-00.)