SECTION 8.09 Election Under Recall Petition.
   If the petition is certified sufficient in accordance with the applicable requirements set out in Section 8.03 and 8.04 of this Charter, Council shall cause a special election to be held not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days from date of such certification, unless a general municipal election shall occur within one hundred twenty days from such date. The published notice of such election shall contain the reason for demanding the recall in no more than two hundred words and a justification by the subject officer within the same limits; provided, however, if the petition seeks to recall more than one officer, each may provide a justification of not more than two hundred words. Ballots shall be in the following form:
“Shall                              be removed from Council
of the City of Fairmont?
                For the recall of                                 
                Against the recall of                            
   Upon certification of the results of the election, if a majority of those voting on the question have favored recall, the office of the individual so recalled shall be vacant.
(Ord. 1077. Passed 12-22-98.)