For all developments or redevelopment projects which require a stormwater permit pursuant to the provisions of this article, there shall be a stormwater permit fee. The stormwater permit fee shall be paid upon submission of the stormwater permit application. The permit fee for a stormwater permit shall be determined as follows:
   (a)    Fee. There shall be a permit fee of five dollars ($5.00) per acre or any fraction of an acre to be developed or redeveloped; provided however, that a minimum fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be submitted.
   (b)    Penalty/Demand. In the event any work for which a permit is required, is commenced prior to obtaining the required permit, the specified fee shall be doubled and the Director shall have the authority to immediately demand payment of said doubled fee and the same shall be due and payable upon demand.
(Ord. 1355. Passed 6-27-06.)