The following words and phrases used throughout this article shall have the following meanings:
   (a)    "Aluminum" means empty all-aluminum beverage or food cans.
   (b)    "Article II" means the West Virginia Recycling Act, a part of Senate Bill 18.
   (c)    "Bi-metal containers" means empty food or beverage containers consisting of steel and aluminum.
   (d)    "Collector" means the entity or entities authorized by the City to collect recycling materials from residences, or authorized by commercial, municipal and institutional establishments to collect recyclable materials from those properties.
   (e)    "Commercial establishments" means those properties used for commercial or industrial purposes.
   (f)    "Community activities" means events that are sponsored by public or private agencies or individuals that include but are not limited to fairs, bazaars, socials, picnics and organized sporting events attended by 200 or more individuals per day.
   (g)    "Corrugated paper" means structural paper material with an inner core shaped in rigid parallel furrows and ridges.
   (h)    "Ferrous containers" means empty steel or tin coated food or beverage containers.
   (i)    "Glass containers" means empty bottles and jars made of clear, green or brown glass. Expressly excluded are noncontainer glass, such as plate glass, automotive glass, light bulbs, blue glass and porcelain and ceramic products.
   (j)    "Mixed grade office paper" means all white paper, bond paper and computer paper used in commercial, institutional and municipal establishments and in residences.
   (k)    "Institutional establishment" means those facilities that house or serve groups of people including, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, day care centers, schools and universities.
   (l)    "Lead acid batteries" includes but is not limited to automotive, truck and industrial batteries that contain lead.
   (m)    "Magazines and periodicals" means printed matter containing miscellaneous written pieces published at fixed or varying intervals. Expressly excluded are all other paper products of any nature whatsoever.
   (n)    "Multi-family housing properties" means any properties having four or more dwelling units per structure.
   (o)    "Municipal waste" means any garbage, refuse, industrial, lunchroom or other material including solid, liquid or semisolid or contained gaseous material, resulting from operation of residential, municipal, commercial or institutional establishments and from community activities and any sludge not meeting the definitions of residual or hazardous waste in the Solid Waste Management Act from a municipal, commercial or institutional water supply treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant or air pollution control facility. "Municipal waste" does not include source separated recyclable materials.
   (p)    "Newspaper" means paper of the type commonly referred to as newsprint and distributed at fixed intervals, having printed thereon news and opinions, containing advertisements and other matters of public interest. Expressly excluded are newspapers which have been soiled, color comics, glossy advertising inserts and advertising inserts printed in colors other than black and white.
   (q)    "Person(s)" means owners, lessees and occupants of residences and commercial, municipal and institutional establishments.
   (r)    "Plastic containers" means empty plastic food and beverage containers. Due to the wide variety of types of plastics, the City may stipulate specific types of plastics which may be recycled.
   (s)    "Recyclable materials" means materials generated by residences and commercial, municipal and institutional establishments which are specified by the City and can be separated from municipal waste and returned to commerce to be reused as a resource in the development of useful products. "Recyclable materials" may include, but are not necessarily limited to, clear glass, colored glass, aluminum, steel and bi-metallic cans, high grade office paper, newsprint, corrugated paper, plastic and any other items selected by the City or specified in future revisions to Article II. These recyclables shall be "clean", which means not exposed to foreign substances or conditions rendering them unusable for recycling. The recyclable materials selected by the City may be revised from time to time as deemed necessary by the City.
   (t)    "Recycling" means the collection, separation, recovery and sale or reuse of metals, glass, paper, plastics and other materials which would otherwise be disposed of or processed as municipal waste or the mechanized separation and treatment of municipal waste (other than through combustion) and the creation and recovery of reusable materials.
   (u)    "Residences" means any occupied single or multi-family dwellings having up to four dwelling units per structure.
   (v)    "Scavenging" means the collection or pickup at curbside of any municipally mandated recyclable materials by unauthorized persons.
   (w)    "Source separated recyclable materials" means those materials separated at the point of origin for the purpose of being recycled.
   (x)    "Waste" means a material whose original purpose has been completed and which is directed to a disposal or processing facility or is otherwise disposed. "Waste" does not include source separated recyclable materials.
      (Ord. 925. Passed 6-22-93.)