(a)   Declaration of Policy. Properties abutting improvements authorized by sidewalk assessment ordinances are hereby determined not to be specially benefitted by curbing improvements, and pursuant to West Virginia Code 8-18-8 shall not be assessed to that extent.
   (b)   Reimbursement. In the event an abutting property owner chooses, or has chosen to affect sidewalk improvements through his own efforts, which included curbing, in areas scheduled for improvement through an assessment program initiated by ordinance, the owner upon proper application to the City Manager upon such forms as he may require, may receive reimbursement for actual costs expended by him for curbing; provided this amount does not exceed the sum bid and accepted by the City pursuant to an assessment program thereto, as applicable. Nothing herein shall entitle any abutting property owner to reimbursement for the obstruction of curbing on property not subject to an assessment program.
(Ord. 1053. Passed 3-24-98.)