850.16   EXCEPTIONS.
   This chapter shall not apply to:
   (a)   Persons who deal exclusively in furniture;
   (b)   Persons who deal exclusively in secondhand automobiles or automobile parts;
   (c)   Persons who deal exclusively in clothing, except furs or leather;
   (d)   Any purchase of precious metals, jewels, or stones by any description if both the buyer and seller, or the respective agents, brokers, or other intermediaries of both the buyer and seller, deal in such articles or otherwise by their respective occupations;
   (e)   Any transactions involving the sale or transfer of precious metals by a wholesale jeweler to a retail jeweler or licensed dealer;
   (f)   National banks, state banks, credit unions, or savings and loan associations;
   (g)   Any person doing business under the laws of Ohio or the United States relating to any broker-dealer, commodity futures commission merchant, or commodity trading advisor or agent duly registered and regulated by the division of securities under R.C. Chapter 1707 or the United States commodity futures trading commission under 7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.;
   (h)   Transactions of five or fewer compact disks, video game cartridges and/or video game compact disks when store credit, and not money, is given for these items;
   (i)   Infrequent sales conducted as garage or yard sales held in accordance with the provisions of this Code;
   (j)   Sales by religious or 501(c)(3) charitable organizations;
   (k)   Cellular phone returns or exchanges with a wireless telecommunications service provider pursuant to an existing service contract or subscription whereupon store credit is given to the person returning or exchanging his or her personal cellular phone and is used to obtain a new or upgraded cellular phone serviced by the same wireless telecommunications service provider;
   (l)   Returns or exchanges of defective or unwanted items to the same retail chain or store location where the item was bought for a full cash refund or store credit;
   (m)   Donations of secondhand articles whereupon no money, credit, items or services are offered in exchange;
   (n)   Sales of scrap automobile parts or industrial metals not otherwise specifically listed in Section 850.01(b); or
   (o)   Coins or hallmark bars.
      (Ord. 2018-057. Passed 12-17-18.)