Construction shall have commenced and proceeded meaningfully toward completion within 12 months of the date of Final Development Plan approval, in accordance with the following:
(a) If construction has not commenced within 12 months, the applicant may request one extension of up to 12 additional months. The request shall be submitted, in writing, to the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the expiration of the original 12 month time limit and shall provide reasonable evidence to the effect that unforeseen difficulties or special circumstances have been encountered, causing delay in commencement of the PUD. If an extension is not requested or is not submitted prior to the expiration of the original time limit, the PUD Final Development Plan shall become null and void.
(b) In the event meaningful progress toward completion has not commenced within the original 12 month period or an approved extension, any building permits or other permits issued by the city for construction within the PUD shall be of no further effect.
(c) Following expiration of the time limits, the City Council may initiate proceedings to rezone the PUD site to some other district(s).
(d) For purposes of this section, “meaningful progress toward completion” shall mean, at a minimum, all of the following: site clearing, rough grading, and installation of infrastructure improvements such as underground utilities.
(Ord. 2016-062. Passed 8-15-16.)