1234.02 PURPOSE.
   (a)   Council finds that it is necessary, in the interest of the promotion of the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare, to enact an entire ordinance for zoning within the limits of the City, in order:
      (1)   To regulate and promote the orderly development of the community;
      (2)   To restrict the location of buildings and other structures and premises to be used for trade, industry, residence or other specified uses;
      (3)   To regulate and limit the height of buildings and other structures erected or altered;
      (4)   To regulate the bulk and location of buildings and other structures erected or altered;
      (5)   To provide for the use and the percentage of lot occupancy, setback building lines and the area of yards, courts or other open spaces;
      (6)   To regulate the surface drainage and flow direction of storm waters;
      (7)   For the combination of all of the purposes herein described, to divide the City into districts as provided in Chapter 1246 which districts are deemed and hereby determined to be best suited to carry out the said purposes for the orderly development of the City.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)