(a)   The subdivider shall give due consideration to suitable sites for parks, playgrounds and other areas for public use, such as recreation, parking and the like, so as to conform to the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Any provision for parks, playgrounds, historical sites and other public uses shall be indicated on the preliminary plan, so that it may be determined when and in what manner such areas shall be dedicated to, or acquired by, the appropriate agency. The Commission shall require that ten percent (10%) of the gross land area of a subdivision, less existing road right-of-ways, be allocated for recreational uses.
   (b)   In determining such areas for dedication or reservation, however, the Commission shall take into consideration the prospective character of the development, whether dense residential, open residential, business or industrial. The Commission shall have the option of requiring fees in lieu of land in special situations where such requirements would cause undue hardship or where there exists adequate nearby open space to serve the population in the area to be allotted. The fee in lieu of land shall be twenty percent (20%) of the fair market value of the entire undeveloped land. In case a subdivided area is too small to provide an open space of suitable size and character, the Commission may require the subdivider to provide a tract that may be combined with existing open spaces provided or to be provided in adjoining areas, so as to produce a total area of adequate size for the entire neighborhood.
   (c)   Due regard shall be shown for preserving outstanding natural or cultural features such as scenic spots or watercourses, exceptionally fine groves of trees and historic sites or structures. Provision for public ownership is usually the best means of assuring the preservation of such features.
(Ord. 1975-50. Passed 6-2-75; Ord. 2001-005. Passed 3-5-01; Ord. 2007-002. Passed 4-2-07; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)