1228.11 WATER MAINS.
   (a)   Where the subdivision is located within the City or where the size of the lots on the subdivision plan indicate a population density per lot of more than one family per twenty thousand (20,000) square feet exclusive of streets, then the following requirements shall be complied with:
      (1)   In areas where an approved public water supply is, in the opinion of the Water Department of the appropriate supplier, reasonably accessible and adequate, the subdivider shall contract with the Water Department to make the water supply available for each lot within the subdivided area. Water mains shall be installed in the City by the subdivider and ownership conveyed to the Water Department at the subdivider's expense. Provision shall be made by the City for adequate fire hydrants at approximately three hundred (300) feet apart within the City at the subdivider's expense.
      (2)   All water mains and services within the City streets shall become the property of the City.
      (3)   Each subdivision owner shall be required to enter into a contract whereby the method of paying for and installing the water facilities shall be determined by the Water Department regulations of the municipality concerned. This contract and payment of costs shall be a prerequisite to final allotment approval.
(Ord. 1960-7. Passed 12-5-60; Ord. 2001-005. Passed 3-5-01; Ord. 2007-002. Passed 4-2-07; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)