(a)   The allotter shall furnish final plans (suitable for use as construction plans) for the utility installations listed below. These plans must conform to the rules, regulations, standards and determinations of the applicable City and County departmental engineers. These regulations include, but are not limited to, The City of Fairlawn Construction and Material Specifications and The City of Fairlawn Stormwater Drainage Manual. These regulations shall govern both public and private utilities and roadways.
   (b)   Paving plans shall show, as a minimum, the pavement width, thickness, type of curb and gutter, type of base and surface, radius of circular curbing and curb grades. (Reference is made to Section 1228.02 for design considerations.)
   (c)   Sewer plans shall show, as a minimum, the pipe sizes, the location plan, a profile, manholes and catch basins (where applicable) for separate sanitary and storm drainage including lateral locations.
   (d)   Plans for water mains shall show, as a minimum, the location, pipe size, valves and the like for lines located inside the City.
   (e)   Plans for FairlawnGIG shall show, as a minimum, the location, plan and profile for the conduits.
(Ord. 1960-7. Passed 12-5-60; Ord. 2001-005. Passed 3-5-01; Ord. 2007-002. Passed 4-2-07; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15-20.)