1550.03   DEFINITIONS.
   (a)   For the purposes of the Title, words and phrases shall have the meaning set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code 2006 as may be amended, unless defined below or modified by Section 1554.01:
Applicable Codes or Code” the term Applicable Code or Code includes, but is not limited to this Title; the International Property Maintenance Code 2006; the Commercial Property Maintenance Code of the City of Fairlawn, the Building and Housing Code of the City of Fairlawn, the City of Fairlawn's Code of Ordinances all of which, as may be amended; and other applicable laws, codes, or regulations relating to the maintenance or occupancy of buildings, structures or premises where differences occur between the provisions of any of these Codes, the provisions in this Title shall govern, if applicable. If the provisions of this Title are not applicable, the most restrictive Code provision shall govern.
Buildings” shall mean any structure consisting of foundations, walls, columns, girders, beams, floors, roofs, or a combination of any of these parts, which are with or without other parts or appurtenances intended for the shelter, housing or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels and shall apply to both vacant and improved real property.
Code Official” the term Code Official shall mean the Building/Zoning Commissioner, Chief Residential Building Official, Housing Inspector or Zoning Inspector for the City of Fairlawn or his/her designee.
Commercial Building, Structure or Premises” shall mean any building, structure or premises located in the areas zoned or conditionally zoned as B, B-4A or M in the City of Fairlawn.
Person and Responsible Person” shall mean an individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or officer, partner or member of any business entity, or fee owner of real property, lessor, lessee or agent, operator or manager or zoning or building permit applicant.
Premises” a lot, plot or parcel of land, easement or public way, including any buildings or structures thereon.
Real Property Maintenance Board” shall be the Board of Appeals for the violations of the Housing Code, Property Maintenance Code or Commercial Maintenance Code of the City of Fairlawn.
Rental Unit” the term Rental Unit shall be defined in the same manner as the term “let for occupancy or let” in the International Property Maintenance Code 2006 Edition, as may be amended.
Structure” shall mean a combination of materials other than a building, to form a construction that is safe and stable or unsafe and unstable and includes, among other things, stadium, platforms, sheds, storage bins, fences and display signs.
(Ord. 2008-051. Passed 6-16-08.)