   The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to execute the necessary documents for participation by the City in the State Treasury Asset Reserve of Ohio, known as “STAR OHIO.”
(Ord. 1986-43. Passed 2-24-86.)
   (a)   Establishment.
      (1)   The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to establish a fund to be known as the Drug Law Enforcement Fund. Such Fund shall be used for the purpose specified in Ohio R.C. 2925.03. The establishment of such Fund shall be accomplished upon receipt of permission therefor from the Auditor of the State.
      (2)   The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to request approval for the establishment of such Fund from the Auditor of the State.
(Ord. 1990-195. Passed 12-17-90.)
   (b)   Internal Control Policy. The Chief of Police is hereby directed to adopt the following internal control policy for use within the City.
   The mandatory fines shall be used to subsidize the Police Division's law enforcement efforts that pertain to drug offenses. This money shall, with prior legislative approval, be used for:
      (1)   Police training involving the prevention of drug trafficking;
      (2)   Buy money for drug purchases;
      (3)   Equipment for the narcotics unit of the Division;
      (4)   Salaries for narcotics officers; and
      (5)   Such other law enforcement purposes that Council determines to be appropriate.
   No money will be spent out of the Drug Law Enforcement Fund unless it is related to any of the above drug related purposes and no money shall be used to meet the needs of the City that are unrelated to law enforcement.
(Ord. 1991-14. Passed 1-7-91.)
   (a)   Establishment. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to establish a fund to be known as the Law Enforcement Trust Fund and designated as Account 859.210.0000 in the Fairlawn Classification of Funds.
(Ord. 1990-15. Passed 1-16-90.)
   (b)   Internal Control Policy. The Chief of Police is hereby directed to adopt the following internal control policy for use within the City.
   The Law Enforcement Trust Fund shall be expended only to pay the costs of protracted or complex investigations or prosecution, to provide reasonable technical training or expertise and to provide matching funds to obtain Federal grants to aid law enforcement. Further, with prior legislative approval this money shall be used for:
      (1)   Training of police officers;
      (2)   Purchase of police related equipment;
      (3)   The police officer salary account; and
      (4)   Such other law enforcement purposes that Council determines to be appropriate.
   This money will not be used for any other purpose except law enforcement related activities and shall not be used to meet the operating needs of the City that are unrelated to law enforcement.
(Ord. 1991-14. Passed 1-7-91.)
   The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to establish a fund to be known as the Enforcement and Education Fund. Such Fund shall be used for the purpose of paying costs incurred by the Police Division in enforcing Ohio R. C. 4511.19 or Section 434.01 of these Codified Ordinances.
(Res. 1991-92. Passed 5-20-91.)
   Whenever the City receives a returned payment from any person(s) or entities, the following charges shall be levied against them: ten dollar ($10.00) administration and reprocessing fee plus all bank charges and fees levied against the City for the returned payment and uncollected funds.
(Ord. 1986-153. Passed 9-22-86; Ord. 2001-019. Passed 3-5-01; Ord. 2017-082. Passed 12-18-17.)
   Council hereby approves the following procedure for writing off uncollected and uncollectible EMS accounts:
   (a)   The account is received from the Division of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services and certified by the Chief or Assistant Chief that a valid transport has occurred and that the sum is due and owing.
   (b)   The Finance Department renders an invoice to the person who has utilized the City's EMS services, and after thirty days, if the same is not paid, a statement is remitted. After sixty days, a second and final statement is sent. If the second statement remains unpaid for thirty more days, then a legal letter is sent. If this letter remains unpaid for thirty days, then the account is remitted to the City's authorized collection agency, to wit: Akron Credit Bureau.
   (c)   The Akron Credit Bureau utilizes all of its collection procedures to collect the account. If the account is either wholly or partially uncollected, then a report is received that the same has not been collected either through collection procedures or court action by the Akron Credit Bureau.
   (d)   The account is then returned to the Director of Finance, who will make a recommendation to the Director of Law that the account is either wholly or partially uncollectible and that the same should be written off as a bad debt by the City.
   (e)   As a final measure, at the end of each calendar year, a listing of the accounts written off will be submitted to Council for its approval.
(Ord. 1989-96. Passed 7-10-89.)