(a)   There is hereby established the position of Assistant Director of Finance, to be appointed by the Mayor.
(Adopting Ordinance)
   (b)   The Assistant Director of Finance, in the event of the official absence or medical incapacity of the Director of Finance, is hereby authorized to execute, deliver and negotiate all checks, drafts, warrants and other instruments which the Director of Finance might or could so execute and to deliver or negotiate on behalf of the City as fully as the Director of Finance might or could do the same in his official capacity.
   (c)   The signature, order or endorsement of the Assistant Director of Finance shall be accepted by every bank, banker and other person, firm or corporation as fully as if it were the signature, order or endorsement of the Director of Finance.
(Ord. 1972-90. Passed 5-1-72.)
   (d)   The Tax Administrator shall assume the position and fulfill the role of Assistant Director of Finance should the need arise.