(a)   Establishment. A Bureau of Fire Prevention is hereby established in the Fire and Emergency Rescue Division of the City.
   (b)   Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The Chief of the Fire and Emergency Rescue Division shall be the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
   (c)   Delegation of Duties. The Bureau Chief shall have the right to delegate his or her duties.
   (d)   Enforcement; Responsibilities of Municipal Fire Safety Inspector.
      (1)   No person shall serve as a Municipal Fire Safety Inspector unless he or she has received a certificate issued by the Ohio Superintendent of Public Instruction under Ohio R.C. 3303.07 evidencing his or her satisfactory completion of a Fire Safety Inspection training program.
(ORC 3737.34)
      (2)   The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention or his or her designee, upon examination or inspection, shall issue citations when he or she finds conditions as specified in Ohio R.C. 3737.41 which are especially dangerous to the safety of persons, buildings, premises or property, and shall make any necessary remedial orders in connection therewith. Citation enforcement shall be by use of the procedures established by the jurisdiction having authority or Ohio R.C. 3737.42 for hearing on the citation or Ohio R.C. 3737.44 for injunctive relief or a temporary restraining order and oral order for vacation of the building or premises.
      (3)   The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, upon reasonable belief and after inspection or investigation, shall with reasonable promptness, authorize the issuance of a citation to the responsible person for a violation of the OFC or this code. The citation shall fix a reasonable time for abatement of the violation. Each citation issued under this subsection shall be prominently posted by the responsible person at all entrances to the premises where the citation occurred.
      (4)   Upon request of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, the Law Director shall institute and prosecute any necessary action or proceeding to enforce this chapter in the jurisdiction having authority or in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 3737.
   (e)   Inspections. No person who is not a certified Fire Safety Inspector employed by the City shall act as such or hold himself or herself out to be such unless prior to commencing any inspection function he or she discloses the purpose for which he or she is making such inspection and the fact that he or she is not employed by any state or local fire service or agency and that he or she is not acting in an official capacity for any governmental subdivision or agency.
(ORC 3737.64)
   (f)   Posting Arson Laws. The owner, operator or lessee of any transient residential building shall post the provisions of Ohio R.C. 2909.02 and 2909.03 in a conspicuous place in each room occupied by a guest in such building. The owner, operator or lessee of any non-transient residential building, institution, school or place of assembly shall post the provisions of such sections in conspicuous places upon such premises. No person shall fail to comply with this section.
   (g)   Right of Appeal. Any order issued under the requirements of this code shall forthwith be complied with by the owner or occupant of such premises or building. Such owner or occupant may, within 24 hours, appeal the order to the Commission on Public Safety. The Commission shall, within five working days, review the order and file their decision thereon and the time of compliance shall be established by the Director of Public Safety.
(Ord. 2001-004. Passed 3-5-01.)