The Planning Commission shall have such powers as may be conferred upon it by ordinance of the Council concerning the plan, design, location, removal, relocation and alteration of any building or structure or those located on public streets or property, excepting single family residential structures; and the location, relocation, widening, extension and vacation of streets, parkways, playgrounds and other public places; and the zoning and rezoning of the Municipality for any lawful purpose, and such other powers as may now or hereafter be conferred upon it by ordinance of the Council or by the general laws of the State of Ohio to the extent not inconsistent with this Charter or such ordinances. All zoning and rezoning recommendations and regulations made by the Planning Commission shall be submitted to the Council for approval before the same shall become effective.
   No building or structure, excepting single family residential structures, and street, boulevard, parkway, park, playground, public ground, river front, harbor, dock, wharf, bridge, viaduct, tunnel, or other public way, ground, works or utility, whether publicly or privately owned, or a part thereof shall be constructed or authorized to be constructed in the Municipality, nor shall any public street, avenue, parkway, boulevard or alley be widened, narrowed, relocated, vacated, or its use changed or any ordinance referring to zoning or other regulations controlling the use or development of land be passed, unless and until the matter shall have been submitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation. Any matter so referred to the Planning Commission shall be acted upon by it within three (3) regularly scheduled meetings including the date of its introduction before the Commission unless a longer time be allowed by Council. If the Planning Commission shall fail to act within the time allotted, it shall be deemed to have approved such matter. If any provision of such ordinance, resolution or order is disapproved by formal action of the Planning Commission, the adoption of such ordinance, resolution or order shall require an affirmative vote of five (5) or more members of the Council.
(Amended November 2, 2004)