A.   There hereby established, as a Charter mandated division, the Division of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services.
   B.   The Division of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services, created by City Council, effective January 1, 1981, shall continue to operate in conformity with all ordinances, rules and regulations applicable thereto which are hereby ratified and confirmed.
   C.   The Division of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services shall consist of a Chief of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services and such other officers and personnel as Council shall from time to time determine.
   The Chief of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services shall be appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of Council as provided in Article III, Section 3.05D., of the City Charter.
   D.   The duties and powers of the officers, members and employees of the Division of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services shall be as follows:
      (1)   The Division shall have primary responsibility for fire suppression, fire prevention emergency medical care and all other activities necessary to fulfill the mission of the Division.
      (2)   The Chief of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services shall fulfill the duties and have the powers provided by duly enacted ordinances of Council. He or she shall be the chief fire and emergency rescue services officer of the City and executive head, under the Director of Public Safety, of the Division. He or she shall have all the powers conferred by law upon fire-fighters and fire chiefs in all municipalities in the State as well as such other powers not inconsistent with the rupture of his or her office.
      (3)   The Chief shall be responsible for the issuance of all licenses for fireworks displays and other activities authorized by Council.
(Enacted November 8, 1983)