(a)   No person who is not a permanent resident of the City shall dump residential solid waste at the Andrew E. Sombati Compactor and Recycle Center.
   (b)   A fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per year, or an amount determined by further action of Council, shall be paid by each household in the City which utilizes the services of the waste disposal system. Such fee shall be collected pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted by the Director of Public Service who shall establish such rules and regulations and publish the same in two (2) separate newspapers of general circulation in the City.
(Ord. 1990-53. Passed 3-19-90; Ord. 1991-216. Passed 12-30-91; Ord. 1993-47. Passed 3-15-93.)
   (c)   Council may, by resolution passed on or before May 1 of each year hereafter, commencing May 1, 2000, waive the annual fee for the services of the Andrew E. Sombati Compactor and Recycle Center.
   (d)   Fairlawn residents utilizing said services shall, however, still be required to obtain the yearly sticker for entry to the site and to comply with all other rules and regulations established by the Director of Public Service.
(Ord. 2000-43A. Passed 5-1-00; Res. 2000-44A. Passed 5-1-00; Res. 2001-028. Passed 3-19-01; Ord. 2006-117AA. Passed 4-16-07.)