Section 2.1.60. Power and Authority of Cemetery Board.
   A.   The board has the authority, consistent with Fairfield Town and Utah State Statute, to adopt policies and procedures for the Fairfield Town Cemetery.
   B.   Upon the approval of the Town Council, the Cemetery Board shall:
      1.   Have control of the expenditures of the cemetery fund, in coordination with the Mayor, or designee, and within the purchasing policies and budgets established by the Town Council;
      2.   Have control of the construction, lease, or sale of cemetery buildings and the operation and care of the cemetery;
      3.   Except as set forth in this chapter or by resolution, all other administrative control with respect to the cemetery is reserved for the Mayor or designee;
      4.   Act as an advisory board to the Town Council on all policy and budgetary matters pertaining to the cemetery and to the Mayor in respect to the administrative powers reserved to the Mayor in this title.