Section 12.1.180. T.
Tattoo Parlor. Means a business establishment that operates tattoo equipment to inject ink or otherwise modify human skin for the purposes of decoration, which may include body piercing; however, establishments that engage in ear piercing and no other activities in this definition shall not be considered tattoo parlors.
Telecommunications. Means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing (e.g., data, video, and voice), without change in the form or content of the information sent and received.
Telecommunications Service or Services. Means any telecommunications or communications services provided by a provider within the Town that the provider is authorized to provide under federal, state and local law, and any equipment and/or facilities required for and integrated with the services provided within the Town, except that these terms do not include “cable service” as defined in the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 (47 USC 521, et seq.), and the Telecommunications Act of 1996. “Telecommunications services” or “services” also includes an open video service.
Telecommunications System or Systems. Means all conduits, manholes, poles, antennas, transceivers, amplifiers and all other electronic devices, equipment, wire and appurtenances owned, leased, or used by a provider, located in the rights-of-way and utilized in the provision of services, including fully digital or analog voice, data and video imaging and other enhanced telecommunications services. “Telecommunications system” or “system” also includes an open video system.
Temporary Sales Trailers. Means trailers for use by home builders or developers for the purpose of sales within subdivision projects, which are subject to the regulations in Title 10 of this Code.
Temporary Use. Means a use that is associated with a holiday or special event for a limited duration of time, including but not limited to outdoor seasonal sales.
Theater. Means a building used primarily for the presentation of movies projected upon a screen or the presentation of live stage productions or performances, which may include ancillary uses such as arcade games and concession areas.
Tobacco Product. Means any cigar, cigarette, or electronic cigarette as defined under Utah Code Section 76-10-101; a tobacco product as defined under Utah Code Section 59-14-102, including chewing tobacco; any substitute for a tobacco product, including flavoring or additives to tobacco; and tobacco paraphernalia as defined under Utah Code Section 76-10-104.1.
Town. Means Fairfield Town, Utah.
Town Street. Means a street or road which has been dedicated to and accepted by theTown or municipality, including utility easements, as a public street.
Trail. Means a dedicated path, improved or unimproved, for the passage of pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles, or equestrian related uses.
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Means a form of development that maximizes transit infrastructure by concentrating the most intense types of development around transit stations and along transit lines. Development in such areas is designed to make transit use as convenient as possible.
Travel Trailer. Means a non-motorized, vehicular portable structure built on a chassis for temporary use as living quarters during travel or vacation periods; it is fabricated for towing on medium-duty roads and has a body size not to exceed eight (8) feet in width and forty (40) feet in length.
Section 12.1.190. U - W.
Undue influence. Means influence by which a person is induced to act otherwise than by their own free will or without adequate attention to the consequences.
Unreasonable Hardship. Means a general restriction placed upon a lot with respect to setback or area where, by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape, or topography of such lot, a literal enforcement of the general restrictions would result in an unfairness to the owner compared to the owners of other lots in the same zone and which literal enforcement would be unnecessary in order to achieve the intent of the zone.
Urban Design Committee. Means a committee made up of architects, planners, builders, or other persons whose primary responsibilities are to review architectural plans for commercial, industrial, and multi-family developments; and make recommendations to the Planning Commission regarding architectural style, urban design, and exterior building materials for all types of developments.
Utility. Means any ditch, pipe, wire, way or right of way owned by any person which crosses, goes along, over or under a Fairfield Town road or right of way.
Utilities. Means culinary and secondary water lines and systems, pressure and gravity irrigation lines and ditches, sanitary sewer lines, storm drain lines, subdrains, electric power, natural gas facilities, cable television, telephone transmission lines, data transmission lines, underground conduits and junction boxes, and other services deemed to be of a public utility nature by the Town.
Variance. Means an authorization by the Appeal Authority relative to a specific parcel of land for a modification of a zone's standard height, bulk, area, width, setback, or separation requirement; as distinguished from a special exception (conditional use), the allowing of a use not listed as permitted in a zone, or any other change in zoning requirements.
Vehicle. Means an automobile, trailer, boat or other device in which a person or thing is (or has been or may be, according to the context) transported from one place to another along the ground, through the air, and/or over the water.
Vehicle, Obsolete. Means a used vehicle which lacks a current license and state registration, or a used vehicle which is not in running order without adding parts or repairs. (Exception to the "current license and state registration" standard: a type of vehicle which is not required under Utah State law to be registered and have a license to be operated on public roads, such as a trailer under 750 pound gross unladen weight.)
Warranty Bond. Means a document that meets the requirements of this Title; warranting any improvements required in this Title; accompanied by a Bond Agreement in an amount as specified in this Title on forms approved by the Town; and having the form of an escrow bond with funds on deposit in a reputable, federally-insured financial institution, a cash bond deposited with the Town, or a letter of credit from a reputable, federally-insured financial institution.
Water Source, Culinary. Means a well, spring, stream, or municipal-type piping system (as opposed to water bottles or holding units filled by carried-in water from a source elsewhere).
Water Transmission Line. Means a pipe, ditch, canal, aqueduct or other conduit used or designed to be used to carry water to a particular place; not a natural watercourse.
Waterways. Means those areas, varying in width, along streams, creeks, springs, gullies, or washes which are natural drainage channels as determined by the Town Council, as shown on the Town master drainage plan, or as designated by FEMA, and in which no structure or building construction or placement is permitted.
Width of Lot. Means a measurement of the distance between side property lines.
Windmill. Means a structure utilizing wind power for the pumping of water for agricultural use on the parcel of property on which the windmill is located, or for electrical power generation for a residence and other permitted structures and uses located on the subject parcel of property. [This definition shall not preclude a windmill which generates its primary electrical power for use on the premise from selling the surplus to an electrical utility provider; provided that the design of the windmill is only to provide required electrical power for use on the subject parcel of property, and not for commercial electrical power generation. Any other wind generated electrical power facility shall be classified as an electrical power generation plant, not a windmill.]
Wire. Means fiber optic telecommunications cable, wire, coaxial cable, or other transmission medium that may be used in lieu thereof for similar purposes.
Wireless Telecommunication Equipment. Means a structure intended for transmitting or receiving television, radio, data, telephone, or other wireless communications.