Section 12.1.20 . B.
Bakery, Commercial. Means a place for preparing, cooking, baking, and selling of products intended for off-premise distribution only.
Bakery, Retail. Means an establishment primarily engaged in the retail sale of baked products for human consumption. It may include bakery products prepared either on or off site, be an incidental food service or be considered a general retail use.
Base Flood. Means the flood having a one percent (1%) chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
Basement House. Means a one-story dwelling of which fifty percent (50%) or more of the floor area is below the finished grade.
Bed and Breakfast. Means a transient lodging establishment, generally in a single family dwelling or detached guesthouses, primarily engaged in providing overnight or otherwise temporary lodging for the general public and may provide meals for compensation. (Also called a
Bid. Means a formal quotation based on common specifications, for the provision of goods or services. Opened at a public meeting for consideration and award.
Billboard. Means a sign which meets any one or more of the following criteria:
   1.   A permanent structure sign which is used for the display of off-site commercial messages;
   2.   A permanent structure sign which constitutes a principal, separate or secondary use, as opposed to an accessory use, of the parcel on which it is located;
   3.   An outdoor sign used as advertising for hire, e.g., on which display space is made available to parties, other than the owner or operator of the sign or occupant of the parcel (not including those who rent space from the sign owner, when such space is on the same parcel as the sign), iin exchange for a rent, fee or other consideration; or
   4.   An off-site outdoor advertising sign on which space is leased or rented.
Block. Means the land surrounded by streets and other rights-of-way, other than alleys; or land which is designated or shown as a block on any recorded subdivision plat or official map or plat adopted by the Town.
Bond. Means a document that complies with the standards contained in this Title and the Utah Code and binds the parties thereto to take certain action if particular conditions are not met. The terms “Performance Bond” and “Warranty Bond” are more specifically defined in this section.
Bond Agreement. Means an agreement between the developer and the Town, on forms approved by the Town, wherever a performance bond or warranty bond is required by this Title to install improvements secured by an escrow agreement with funds on deposit in a reputable, federally-insured financial institution, a cash bond deposited with the Town, or a letter of credit from a reputable, federally-insured financial institution in an amount as specified in this Title.
Bookstore. Means a retail establishment whose primary purpose is the sale of books and periodicals.
Buildable. Means that portion of a building lot not included within any required yard or open space upon which a main building may be located; an area that must be defined on subdivision plats in areas of thirty percent slope or less.
Buildable Area. Means an area of a lot or parcel which is outside of any required setback areas and outside of any other areas regulated by this Code.
Building. Means a structure having a roof supported by columns or walls, intended or used for the shelter, housing, or enclosure of any person, animal, chattel, or property of any kind that has a foundation.
Building Code. Means the codes adopted by the Town by ordinance/code.
Building Height or Structure Height. Means the vertical distance from the natural grade surface to the highest point of the building or structure.
Building Inspector. Means an individual appointed by the Town of Fairfield to enforce the provisions of the building code.
Building Lot. Means a parcel of land which is of such dimensions as to comply with the minimum requirements of this Title for area, width, and depth applicable to the zone in which it is located; and having frontage on a public or approved private street which shall be extended the full required frontage of the lot and improvements installed as required by the Town. No building lot shall utilize any part of the temporary end or dead end of a street for frontage.
Building Material Sales (with outdoor storage). Means a facility where building materials such as lumber, plywood, drywall, paneling, cement blocks and other cement products, and other building products are stored and sold.
Building Official or Town Building Official. Means the appointed official or consultant who is responsible for the building and development functions of the Town as described in the Code and other policies of the Town.
Building, Public. Means a building owned and operated or owned and intended to be operated by a public agency of the United States of America, or the State of Utah or any of its subdivisions including counties and municipalities, in connection with a public use. It does not include buildings primarily used as warehouses, public garages, and equipment sheds.
Business. Means any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, or any other private legal entity.
Business, Trade, Profession or Calling. Means any enterprise carried on for the purpose of gain or economic profit, except the acts of employees rendering services for employers.
Business Use. Means any property used for the purpose of conducting business. This would include the square footage of outbuildings including storage and yard space.
Bus Lot. Means any lot or land area used for the storage or layover of passenger buses or motor coaches.