Abandoned Mobile Home/Campers/Trailers. Means a mobile home, camper or trailer that has been rendered useless from the condition of which it was manufactured.
Abstain. Means the practice of exercising discretion to relinquish the right to vote when necessary to avoid needless conflict (see conflict of interest).
Accessory Building. Means a detached building which is incidental, subordinate and exclusively devoted to a main building or use, located on the same lot.
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). Means a habitable living unit that may be added to, created within, or detached from a primary single-family dwelling and contained on one lot.
Accessory Dwelling Unit, Internal. Means an accessory dwelling unit created within a primary dwelling, within the footprint of the primary dwelling for the purpose of offering a long-term rental of 30 consecutive days or longer.
Accessory Structure. Means a subordinate structure detached from but located on the same lot as the principal structure, the use of which is incidental and accessory to that of the principal structure.
Administrative Agency. Means the Fairfield Planning Commission, which consists of the appointed Planning Commissioners.
Administrative Officer. Means the Planning and Zoning Chairman or any of his/hers duly appointed designees.
Ad Valorem Tax. Means a tax based on the assessed value of an item, such as real estate or personal property. The most common ad valorem taxes are property taxes levied on real estate. However, ad valorem taxes may also extend to a number of tax applications, such as import duty taxes on goods from abroad. (also known as “property tax”.
Agriculture. Means an area which is used for the commercial production, keeping, or maintenance for sale of plants and domestic animals typically found in Utah County, or lands devoted to a soil conservation management program, but excluding the keeping of prohibited animals, Commercial Plant Nursery, as defined herein, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, as defined by the U.C.A., 1953, as amended, and subject to the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES), or similar activities.
Agricultural Building. Means any structure used for agriculture.
Agricultural Business. Means an enterprise involving agricultural products as opposed to agricultural production, including, but not limited to, greenhouses for wholesale or retail sales but does not include the processing or packing plants.
Alcoholic Beverage Package Agency. Means a liquor location operated under contractual agreement with the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, by a person other than the State, who is authorized by the Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission to sell package liquor for consumption off the premises of the agency.
Alcoholic Beverage State Liquor Store. Means a facility for the sale of packaged liquor on premises owned or leased by the State of Utah and operated by State employees. This term does not apply to restaurants, private clubs, or package agencies.
Anchor Location. Means the Fairfield Town Office in Fairfield Utah or such other location designated in the agenda for the meeting.
Ancillary Use. Means a use that:
1. is clearly incidental to and found in connection with a principal or main use;
2. is subordinate to and serves a principal or main use;
3. is subordinate or less than in extent, area, or purpose to the principal or main use;
4. is located on the same lot as the principal or main use; and
5. contributes to the comfort, convenience, or necessity of occupants, business, or industry of the principal or main use; and
6. Home Occupations are deemed an ancillary use.
Animal Hospital (large), Large Veterinary Office. Means an establishment at which all types of farm animals (large, medium, or small) or household pets may be treated or boarded.
Animal Hospital (small), Small Veterinary Office. Means an establishment at which small farm animals only or household pets are treated or boarded within a completely enclosed building, and large animals such as horses are not treated or boarded.
Apiary. Means a place in which a colony or colonies of bees are kept, such as a stand or shed for beehives or a bee house containing a number of beehives.
Appeal Authority. Means the Authority designated by code or ordinance to decide an appeal of a decision of a land use application or a variance.
Applicant. Means the owner of land proposed to be developed, or the owner’s duly authorized agent if that agent has written authorization from the owner, who submits a complete application for consideration by the Town; and includes an individual or entity who is under contract to purchase land proposed to be developed so long as the individual or entity closes on the project before any land use application is brought before the Planning Commission for consideration at a public meeting or hearing.
Application, Telecommunications. Means the process by which a provider submits a request and indicates a desire to be granted a franchise to utilize the rights-of-way of all, or a part, of the Town. An application includes all written documentation, verbal statements and representations, in whatever form or forum, made by a provider to the Town concerning: the construction of a telecommunications system over, under, on or through the rights-of-way; the telecommunications services proposed to be provided by the Town by a provider; and any other matter pertaining to a proposed system or service.
Approved Topsoil. Means soil that does not exceed 41 ppm (total) arsenic representatively sampled and analyzed in accordance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
Area of Special Flood Hazard. Means the land in the Town of Fairfield area subject to a one percent (1%) chance of flooding in any given year.
Arts and Crafts Sales. Means an establishment that produces articles for sale of artistic quality or effect or handmade workmanship; and includes candle making, glass blowing, weaving, pottery making, woodworking, sculpting, painting, and their associated activities.
Automotive Refueling Station. Means a retail building or premise used primarily for the sale of gasoline, diesel, natural gas, or electricity to customers for the purposes of refueling customers’ vehicles. Such premises may also include the sale of food, drinks, or household products..
Automotive Rental and Leasing Agency. Means rental of passenger vehicles, light trucks, and vans, including incidental parking and servicing of vehicles for rent or lease.
Automotive Repair, Major. Means an establishment, not meeting the definition of Automobile Repair, Minor, primarily engaged in the major repair or maintenance of motor vehicles, trailers, and similar large mechanical equipment, including paint, body and fender, major engine and engine part overhaul, and tire repair and sales, provided it is conducted within a completely enclosed building.
Automobile Repair Minor. Means an establishment that is primarily engaged in the minor repair or minor maintenance of motor vehicles, trailers, and similar mechanical equipment, including brake, muffler, tire repair and change, lubrication, oil changes, tune-ups, safety inspections and emissions testing, and detailing, is conducted entirely within a completely enclosed building, and does not include paint work, body and fender work, or major engine and engine part overhaul. “Minor repair” or “minor maintenance” is defined as a routine service that requires no more than 8 total hours of service.
Automobile Sales. Means the premises on which new or used passenger automobiles, non-motorized trailers, or trucks in operating condition are displayed in the open for sale or trade.
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