Section 1.1.170. Citizens and Visitors.
   A.   Code of Conduct:
      1.   Citizens and other visitors attending any public meeting shall observe the same rules of propriety, decorum, and good conduct applicable to members of the Town Council and any commissions or boards that may be formed by them. Any person making personal, impertinent, profane, or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing any council, commission, or board while attending the public meeting shall be removed from the room if the deputy sheriff or his designee, is so directed by the chair, and the person shall be barred from further audience before the council, commission or board during that session. If the chair fails to act, any member of the council, commission or board may move to require enforcement of the rules, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the council, commission, or board shall require the chair to act. In addition to removal, violations of this rule may be subject to criminal penalties as described in Section 1.1.90 of this Chapter;
      2.   Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells, and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted by the chair, who may direct the law enforcement present, to remove offenders from the room. Aggravated cases shall be prosecuted on appropriate complaints signed by the chair. In case the chair shall fail to act, any member of the council, commission, or board may move to require enforcement of the rules, and the affirmative vote of the majority of the council, commission, or board shall require the chair to act. In addition to removal, violations of this rule may be subject to criminal penalties as described in this section;
      3.   Noplacards, banners, or signs will be permitted in the public meeting chamber or in any other room in which the public is meeting. However, exhibits, displays, and visual aids used in connection with presentations to the council, commission, or board are permitted. Those used for presentations on specific agenda items must be reviewed by staff in advance of the meeting; and
      4.   The Town appointed law enforcement officer, as a chief law enforcement officer, shall, when necessary, be present at council meetings unless excused by the Mayor, and shall act as sergeant at arms for the Town Council and shall furnish whatever assistance is needed to enforce the rules of the Town Council. see Section 1.1.150 of this Title.