Section 6.1.30. Billing.
   A.   Payment of Bills. Billing for water use shall be rendered by the 5th day of each month. Water bills shall be due and payable on the last day of each month. Any payment received after the due date shall incur a late fee as listed on the Fairfield Town fee schedule. If bills are not paid within sixty (60) days of the due date, the Town may cause the water to be turned off. All delinquent water charges must be paid to the Town or arrangements must be made for their payment in a manner satisfactory to the Town before the water is turned on again. In addition to all delinquent water charges, the user shall pay any extra charges for turning the water on and off as the Town Council may have established by resolution. Furthermore, in addition to such payments and penalties, a delinquent user may be required to make and file a new application and deposit. The Director of Water is hereby authorized and empowered to enforce the payment of all delinquent water charges by an action of law in the name of the Town of Fairfield.
   B.   Rate schedule. A rate schedule will be set by the Town Council by resolution and will appear on the Town Fee Schedule
   C.   Return Check Policy. A return check fee will be charged, as stated and set by resolution, for any check submitted in payment to Fairfield’s water utility that is returned by the bank unpaid.
   D.   Resuming Use after Turn-Off Prohibited. After the water has been turned off on the premises for non-payment of culinary water charges, or other violations of ordinances, rules, regulations, or resolutions pertaining to the water supply or the System, it shall be unlawful for any person to turn the water on or to allow the water to be turned on or used in any way without the authorization of the Water Director or the Town Clerk\Recorder. See Section 6.1.70.
   E.   Use Without Payment Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, either by himself/herself or through his/her family, servants or agents to utilize the water system without paying, therefore, as herein provided. It shall also be unlawful for any person, without authority, to open any pipe, line, connection, stopcock, valve or other fixtures, attached to the system unless it is done pursuant to proper application, agreement, permit, or resolution. A violation of this section shall constitute a Class C misdemeanor and may be punishable as such.
   F.   Discontinuance of Service. Any customer desiring to discontinue service shall notify the Town in writing at least ten (10) days before the date when such service shall be discontinued. Any credit balance in favor of the customer as a result of an advance payment of bills or a deposit made will be refunded upon discontinuance of service.