Notice shall be given of the time and place of the City Council meeting scheduled to consider an ordinance changing the boundaries of districts or regulations or restrictions established under this chapter, not more than 30 nor less than 15 days before the City Council meeting by publishing a notice thereof at least once in one or more newspapers published in the city. In case of a written protest against any proposed amendment of the districts or regulations or restrictions established under this zoning chapter, signed and acknowledged by the owners of 20% of the frontage proposed to be altered, or by the owners of 20% of the frontage immediately adjoining or across an alley therefrom, or by the owners of 20% of the frontage directly opposite the frontage proposed to be altered, is filed with the City Clerk, the proposed amendment shall not be passed except by a favorable vote of two-thirds of the Aldermen of the city then holding office. In these cases, a copy of the written protest shall be served by the protester or protesters on the applicant for the proposed amendment and a copy upon the applicant’s attorney, if any, by certified mail at the address of the applicant and attorney shown in the application for the proposed amendment.
(1986 Code, § 28.22.020)