(A)   Except as provided in division (B) below, it shall be unlawful for a relocator to remove a trespassing vehicle from private property unless written notice is provided to the effect that the vehicles will be removed. The written notice shall include the name, address and telephone number of the relocator or relocators used by the owner and shall state the amount of the charges to which the person may be subject. The notice shall consist of a sign or signs placed in an unobstructed and conspicuous place in the affected area from which unauthorized vehicles are to be towed and shall be at least 24 inches in height by 36 inches in width at least four feet from the ground but not more than eight feet from the ground and shall be either illuminated, or painted with reflective paint, or both.
   (B)   The notice provisions of division (A) above shall not be required under this section in the following circumstances where towing is otherwise authorized:
      (1)   From public property or residential property which, having due regard to the circumstances and the surrounding area, is clearly reserved or intended exclusively for the use or occupation of vehicles belonging to residents or official governmental vehicles;
      (2)   From any property clearly intended for a use other than parking; or
      (3)   From public property which is posted with a conspicuous limitation on parking.
   (C)   For the purposes of this section, RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY means buildings containing five or less dwelling units.
(1986 Code, § 5.17.040) (Ord. 1269, passed - -1985)