(a)    For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions will apply:
      (1)    “Adjacent to the public way” means the area of private property in proximity to the public way within which the Critical Root Zone (CRZ) or basal clearance of a tree or other planting at maturity would reach the boundary of the public way. This area will vary in size depending upon the tree species or planting involved.
       (2)    “Arborist” means a professional person whose area of expertise is trees, their selection and maintenance, and other plantings.
      (3)   “Basal clearance” means the distance from the center of a tree to the drip line of the tree at maturity. This distance will not change with time for any given tree, but it will vary from species to species.
(4)    “Canopy” means the cumulative horizontal crown of trees.
(5)    “Conifer” means trees that remain green and do not lose their leaves.
(6)    “CRZ” means the critical root zone is the area surrounding a tree or planting wherein are the major roots of the tree or planting. In some, but not all species, this coincides with the drip line.
(7)    “Curb lawn” means the area on public property or right-of-way between the sidewalk and curb or edge of roadway or between the abutting private property line where there is no sidewalk.
(8)    “Deciduous trees” means trees that lose their leaves in winter.
(9)    “Habitat” means a living environment that supports the survival needs of life, including shelter, water and food. Trees and planting are a key component of the habitat of most species.
(10)    “Large tree” means any tree reaching a mature height of over forty-five feet.
(11)    “Medium tree” means any tree reaching a mature height of thirty to forty-five feet.
(12)    “Ornamental tree” means deciduous, woody plants having a single, well- defined stem, normally growing to a mature height of less than thirty feet and possessing a number of aesthetically attractive qualities such as beautiful flowers.
(13)    “Planting” means trees, shrubs, vines, flowers and any other vegetative matter rooted or attached to the earth.
(14)   “Private land” means areas of the City of Fairfield owned by individuals and corporations.
(15)    “Public land” means areas of the City of Fairfield owned by public entities, including streets, right-of-way and parks.
(16)   “Public nuisance” means any tree or other planting with an infectious disease or insect problem; dead or dying trees or planting; a tree or limb(s) or planting that obstruct street lights, traffic signs, the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles; a tree or planting that poses a threat to safety.
(17)    “Public way” means those areas which are publicly owned or dedicated to public use for purposes of streets open to the public and related appurtenances.
(18)    “Shade tree” means woody plants having a single, well-defined stem, a more or less definite crown, a height of not less than thirty feet and a trunk diameter at maturity of not less than six inches, planted primarily for the purpose of providing shade.
(19)    “Shrub” means deciduous, woody plants generally with no single well- defined stem used as accent, border or foundation plants, which can be maintained at a height of less than three feet.
(20)    “Small tree” means any tree reaching a mature height of less than thirty feet.
(21)    “Street trees” means trees planted in or adjacent to the public way along streets by property owners or the City.
(22)    “Topped or de-horned trees” means trees with most or all of the crown removed.
(23)    “Tree inventory” means summary of data collected to document the trees in the community using accepted statistical techniques. A tree inventory will include the tree count and tree species, size and condition.
(24)    “Urban forest” means trees that are part of plantings in both private and public land.
         (Ord. 36-06. Passed 3-28-06.)