Conditional uses in the UR zone are as follows:
   (A)   Agricultural uses, including crop and tree farming and viticulture, but not including the raising of animals or fowl for commercial purposes or the sale of any products on the premises;
   (B)   Public or quasi-public buildings and uses of an education, religious, cultural or public service type, not including corporation yards, storage or repair yards, warehouses or similar uses;
   (C)   Temporary tract offices;
   (D)   Public and private noncommercial recreation areas and facilities, such as country clubs, golf courses and swimming pools;
   (E)   Private stables and corrals;
   (F)   Public utility buildings, structures or facilities, except transmission lines;
    (G)   Living quarters of persons regularly employed on the premises;
   (H)   Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be of the same general character as those enumerated in this section; and
   (I)   Accessory uses other than those specifically listed in § 17.124.040.
(Prior Code, § 17.66.030) (Ord. 607, passed - -1991; Am. Ord. 800, passed 2-3-2016; Am. Ord. 810, passed 11-1-2017)