§ 17.120.020 PERMITTED USES.
   The following uses are permitted in all A districts:
   (A)   Crop and tree farming and truck gardening;
   (B)   Viticulture;
   (C)   Nurseries and greenhouses, but not including any salesrooms or other buildings for the sale of any products unless and until a use permit is secured therefor;
   (D)   Small livestock farming; provided that not to exceed one horse, or one cow, or three goats or other similar livestock may be kept for each 20,000 square feet of area of the parcel of land upon which the same are kept, to a maximum of three horses or three cows or three hogs, or six goats, or other similar livestock maintained in any one establishment;
   (E)   Dairies, on any parcel of land not less than five acres in area;
   (F)   Public and private stables and riding academies upon the securing of a use permit for each case of any such use;
   (G)   Sale of agricultural products produced on the premises, provided that no building or structure shall be erected or maintained primarily for any such sale, except that a temporary shelter may be erected for the sale upon the securing of a use permit therefor; or
   (H)   Accessory uses and accessory structures.
(Prior Code, § 17.62.020) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973)