(A)   Following adoption of a master plan, no development, improvement or building construction within the planned development area covered by the adopted master plan shall be commenced until the Planning Commission has approved a precise development plan for the entire planned development. The application for the precise development plan shall conform to the requirements under § 17.112.120, precise development plan, PDD zone.
   (B)   Within 60 days following receipt of the application for precise development plan approval, the Planning Commission shall schedule a public hearing to consider the precise development plan in the same manner as provided for in Chapter 17.032 for conditional use permits.
   (C)   The Planning Commission shall approve, approve conditionally or disapprove the proposed precise development plan and shall notify the applicant in writing.
   (D)   Planning Commission approval of a precise development plan shall become null and void unless action is taken to file a tentative subdivision map on property covered by the precise development plan within one year after approval of the precise development plan.
(Prior Code, § 17.60.140) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973)